Much as flipping houses isn’t as easy as it appears on television, owning commercial property isn’t always an easy means to profits and passive income; however, with the right advice and experience on your side, turning a profit from your commercial investment can be simpler than you think.
Success in commercial investing depends on one thing:
At MCRE, we’re commercial investors ourselves. We’ve been through the process and know
what to look for to distinguish a great investment from a dud. We know the key mistakes
investors make (as we made them ourselves!) and can provide the guidance you need to
maximize your return on investment.
It’s Not Complicated, It’s Experience
If you’re new to the commercial investment world, things can seem pretty complex.
The good
news? We wrote the book on commercial investing. Visit our M Resources page to download your copy!
The key is experience.
Every commercial deal you’re involved with makes you better prepared for the next. At MCRE, our agents have participated in hundreds of commercial investment deals—including several of our own! We know the ropes and can walk you effortlessly through them.
Curious about what it takes to make a successful commercial investment? For starters, here are some key questions we discuss with every client before, during, and after making a commercial investment:
How long is the holding period for the investment?
What return are you expecting?
As an investment, are you looking for:
○ appreciation;
○ cash flow; or
○ both?
For multi-residential investors, how familiar are you with the Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (formerly the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006) ?
For multi-residential investors, will you manage the property yourself or hire a property manager?
Interested in commercial real estate investing but not sure where to start?
Our friends at Canadian Real Estate Wealth magazine have compiled the ultimate resource for beginners, which you can read in full by clicking the link below.

There are many other questions we ask our clients but only ONE we demand they ask us:
Would you invest your own money in this real estate investment?
If you think that because as commercial agents we work on commission the answer will always be “yes”, you’re very astute but incorrect. For agents at brand-name brokerages, that may be the case (and often is) as they’re simply trying to push the deal through, but at MCRE our objective is your success, not getting you to sign on the dotted line. If it’s a bad deal, we’ll tell you so.