Achieving Goals, Not Sales
Landlords are not a commodity—they are people; people with different values, levels of engagement, and of course, goals.
If you’re the owner of a 20,000 sq. ft. office building in Oakville, it’s unlikely your business goals are on par with the REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) that controls 1,000,000 sq. ft. of office towers in Toronto’s downtown core—so why use the agent that the REIT uses?
The difference in business objectives between landlords of small- to medium-sized buildings becomes an invariable chasm when institutional landlords factor into the mix. Working with an agent who specializes in the type of buildings you own is simply smart business.
At MCRE, we don’t make prejudgements about our clients’ wishes before speaking with them; we work with our clients to explore two critical questions and from their answers, build the leasing strategy that will best deliver on our clients’ goals.